Fresh flowers, delivered
Order flowers from local florists on Wolt. Surprise loved ones with bouquets, potted plants, and more, with speedy same-hour delivery.

Delivered in 30 minutes
Get fresh flowers and plants delivered to your doorstep in one hour or less.

Flowers for every moment
From birthday flowers to anniversary bouquets, we've got you covered.

Local florists, all in one app
Shop florists in your neighborhood on Wolt - fresh blooms are just a tap away.

Door-to-door order tracking
Follow your flower delivery every step of the way with real-time order updates.
Order flowers for every special occasion
Celebrate every moment and send flowers with Wolt. From birthday flowers to bridal bouquets, Mother's Day gifts, or roses for Valentine's Day, send beautiful flower arrangements for any occasion. Choose from a diverse selection of local florists and find the perfect flowers to show you care.
Send flowers with same-hour delivery
Life's full of surprises. If you need flowers in a hurry, Wolt is here to help. Whether it's a special occasion or a last-minute gift, order flowers online and experience the convenience of same-hour delivery. Get beautiful bouquets, potted plants, thoughtful gifts, and more delivered to your door.
Transform your space with flowers and plants
Whether it's your home or office, Wolt makes it quick and easy to brighten any space with same-hour delivery. Order online from flower shops in your area and get beautiful flower arrangements, indoor plants, home decor, and more, delivered in no time.
Support florists in your neighborhood
Shop local and make an impact. With Wolt, you can find and order from flower shops in your area - all in one place. Order fresh flowers and plants from local stores and help florists in your community thrive.
How to order flowers on Wolt
Discover flower shops near you.
Select your favorite flowers and plants.
Enjoy speedy, same-hour delivery.